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Watch PumpWorks PWA GEN2 Video

Innovative Power Frame Features

  • All new patent-pending frame design for enhanced reliability.
  • 25% more cooling surface than PWA GEN 1.
  • Sealed lubrication chamber.
  • ISOMAG™ magnetic seals IP65 rated Power Frame sealing
  • Sloped and segregated drain for contaminant isolation.
  • Predict Plus™ GEN3 proactive pump monitor.
  • Zero oil maintenance required for up to 5 years.*

Carbon Steel vs. Ductile Iron

  • High strength, impact resistant carbon steel liquid ends for improved durability and pressure containment.
  • Replaces non-repairable, ductile iron casing and impellers, with repairable carbon steel, for extended component life.
  • 30% higher thermal conductivity than cast iron for improved heat dissipation, lower oil temperature and longer bearing life.

Shaft and Bearing Assembly

  • Upgraded 316L SS vs. 4140 steel pump shaft is standard at no additional cost.
  • Proven flinger disk lubrication device to ensure effective bearing lubrication. Provides 30% increased bearing L-10 life and minimum 15ºF lower bearing operating temperatures compared to flood oil design.